Tuei Shou - Push Hands


After the proper foundation of the TaiJiQuan should the practice of Push Hands begin. The purpose of Push Hands is to test the knowledge of the form, to develop sensitivity for the same energies applied by your partner and to test techniques of attack and defense. Push Hands begin with single hand exercises and advance step by step to more difficult routines. The key point for beginners is to maintain balance, center, lightness, and relaxation.

Eight TaiJiQuan Principles

  1. Peng (掤) - Ward Off
  2. Lu (捋) - Roll Back
  3. Chi (挤) - Press
  4. An (按) - Push
  5. Tsai (採) - Pluck
  6. Lieh (挒) - Split
  7. Chou (肘) - Elbow
  8. Kao (靠) - Shoulder

Five Stepping Patterns

  1. Chin Pu (進步) - Forward step
  2. Tui Pu (退步) - Backward step
  3. Tsuo Ku (左顾) - Left step
  4. You Pan (右盼) - Right step
  5. Chung Ting (中定) - Central position

Chen Style Basic Push Hands Drills

  1. Same Stance Single Hand Horizontal Circle
  2. Same Stance Single Hand Vertical Circle
  3. Same Stance Double Hand Rotational
  4. Same Stance Double Hand Vertical Circle
  5. Mirror Stance Double Hand Rotational Big Pull
  6. Mirror Stance Double Hand Rotational Small Pull / Big Pull

There plenty of other push hands drills. All of the drills work up to freestyle with a fluid combination of all the push hands drills and prepares the practitioner for actual combat experiences.