Chen TaiJiQuan Training

TaiJiQuan is a traditional internal martial art, translated as created by the Chen family starting with Chen Bu (1372 AD) during Ming Dynasty, and later put in form by Chen WangTing. Chen family style is the originating style for all other major families of TaiJiQuan (“tai chi”). Its characterized by is low stances, coiling motions, and fast movements.

TaiJiQuan has been linked to having several health benefits due to its movements of the body. These movements twist the spine and carry blood to the organs for better overall circulation. Coordination of the body and limbs allows the practitioner to move easily out of any situation. TaiJiQuan provides a balance to heal from within along with protect from the outside.

Yin-yang symbol is the best representation of TaiJiQuan, a balance of the yielding (yin/negative) and the assertive (yang/positive). No matter how many ways it has been interpreted, most end up with the theme of balance. Cold vs hot energy, negative vs positive, slow vs quick, yielding vs exertion. TaiJiQuan is sometimes translated "Extreme Polarity Fist" describing this duality between yin and yang.

Chen TaiJiQuan Curriculum