Qiang - Spear


The Chen style Plum Blossom Spear and White Ape Staff form. The staff is considered the Father of All Weapons while the spear is considered to the King of All Weapons.

List of Movements

First Section
1其实qi shiPreparation Stance
2夜叉探海ye cha tan haiYecha Stretches towards the sea
3全无话quan wu huaFull Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
4中平枪zhong ping qiangPunch on Mid-level
5及三枪ji san qiangThree Straight Spears
6尚平羌shang ping qiangSpear on Upper Level
7珍珠岛眷恋zhen zhu dao juan lianStep Back and Roll in Pearl- embroidered Curtain
8夏萍强xia ping qiangSpear on Lower Level
9电推语录强dian tui yu lu qiangJump across Leg, Row and Stab with the Spear
10扎晴隆县主啊zha qing long xian zhuaBlue-green Dragon Showing the Claws
11上捕捉一枪shang buzhuo yi qiangStepping Forward, Grabbing the Spear with One Hand
12草地赐匾浪墙cao di ci bian lang qiangSweep the Ground, Stab and Block Side with Spear
Second Section
13往前打两枪wang qian da liang qiangMove Ahead with Spear and Strike Twice
14黄龙电感huang long dian ganThe Yellow Dragon Punctuates with the Rod
15连轧一枪lian zha yi qiangSting with the Spear from Bottom to Top
16半个物化bang e wu huaHalf Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
17腰裙蓝强yao qun Ian qiangHold Back the Crowd with Spear at Hip-level
18回头半个物化hui tou bang e wu huaTurning the Head and Doing a Half Turn
19手按低射枪shou an di she qiangPressing a Snake to the Ground with a Spear
20条一枪tiao yi qiangRaising the Spear
21扎一枪zha yi qiangPerforming a Sting with the Spear
22盐两抢yan liang qiangConcealed Double Attack
23左骑一扫朝天强zuo qi yi sao chao tian qiangWave the Flag and Hold it Skyward left
24右幺七一扫铁牛耕地强you yao qi yi sao tie niu geng di qiangWaving the Flag and Plough the Earth as if with an Iron Bull---- right
25不i头半个物化bui tou ban ge wu huaTurning the Head and Doing a Half Turn
26下地水枪xia di shui qiangSink to Bottom like Dripping Water
27盐两抢yan liang qiangConcealed Double Attack
Third Section
28上期龙枪shang qi long qiangClimb on Dragon and Ride with the Spear
29往前进拨草迅社wang qian jin bo cao xun sheAdvance, Poking the Grass and Searching for the Snake
30往后退百元陀枪wang hou tui bai yuan tuo qiangThe White Ape Retreats and Pulls the Spear after Him
31回头扎乌龙蠕动hui tou zha wu long ru dongTurn Around and Sting the Black Dragon Goes to the Cave
32点回退首批怕是dian hui tui shou pipa shiJump Back over Leg and Take Back the Pipa
33往前打两枪wang qian da liang qiangMove Forward with Spear and Strike Twice
34幺七扫地泰山呀乱yao qi sao di tai shan ya luanWaving the Flag Sweeping the Ground, the Taishan Squashing the Egg
35半个物化ban ge wu huaHalf Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
36灵猫朴树ling mao pu shuSwift Cat Catching the Mouse
37左溥仪强zuo pu yi qiangBounce upon with spear ---Left
38右溥仪强you pu yi qiangBounce upon with spear---Right
39翻身回头此枪fan shen hui tou ci qiangTurning Round Head and Body and Sting
40提议根子ti yi gen ziOne Kick with Heel
41单手出墙dan shou chu qiangSingle-handed outward stab with Spear
Fourth Section
42全无话quan wu huaFull Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
43二郎担山er lang dan shanErlang Carries the Mountain on the Shoulder Pole
44半个物化ban ge wu huaHalf Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
45下流疯抢xia liu feng qiangStab Down by Six Tenth
46回头半个物化hui tou ban ge wu huaTurn Around Doing a Half Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
47腰子普安群yao zi pu an qunSparrow Hawk Bouncing upon the Quail
48挑一根子tiao yi gen ziRaising Pole and Heel
49扎一枪zha yi qiangSting with the Spear
50全无话quan wu huaFull Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
51二郎担山扫一枪er lang dan shan sao yi qiangErlang Carries the Mountain on the Shoulder Pole
52半个物化ban ge wu huaHalf Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
53没怒认真mei nu ren ZhenThe Fair Lady Inserts the Thread into the Needle Eye (and: yu nu chuan suo —Jade Woman Casting the Shuttle)
54此创鸿门墙ci chuang hong men qiangSting Like an Assassin
Fifth Section
55回头扫一枪hui tou sao yi qiangTurning Around and Sweeping with the Spear
56全无话quan wu huaFull Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
57呼吸强hu xi qiangShielding the Knee with the Spear
58盐两抢yan liang qiangConcealed Double Attack
59参龙摆尾cang long bai weiDark-green Dragon Wagging the Tail
60往前扫一枪wang qian sao yi qiangAdvance and Sweep with the Spear
61往前再扫一枪wang qian zai sao yi qiangAdvance and Sweep Again with the Spear
62王左扫一枪wang zuo sao yi qiangSweep with Spear to the Left
63网右扫一枪wang you sao yi qiangSweep with Spear to the Right
64半个物化ban ge wu huaHalf Turn (Dance of the Blossom)
65太公钓鱼tai gong diao yuTaigong while Fishing
66回马枪hui ma qiangTurn Around Performing a Counterpunch
67收拾shou shiClosing Stance