Shuang Chui - Double Mace


The bar-maces are the heaviest of all single-hand TaiJiQuan weapons. They were originally cavalry weapons created to smash armor and crush helmets using the velocity of a galloping horse. A real mace weighs over five pounds, and truly forces the wielder to use silk reeling energy to power a mace in each hand. Due to its slower reaction speed, as one mace attacks, the other mace defends and follows up with its own attack as the first mace coils back to defend.

List of Movements

1双涧其实shuang jian qi shiDouble Mace Preparation Stance
2首头涧shou tou jianBeast's Head Mace
3左右搅项涧zuoyou jiao xiang jianStirring Neck from Both Sides
4乾坤涧qiankunjianThe Universe Mace
5美奴纫针涧meinu ren zhen jianBeauty Holding Needle
6夙矜背涧su jin bei jianPhoenix Carrying
7盘龙涧panlong jianWheeling Dragon
8舞花涧wu hua jianDancing Flower
9金鸡涧jinji jianGolden Rooster Mace
10弹腿转身压双涧dan tui zhuanshen ya shuang jianFlipping Leg, Turn Around and Double Press
11伏虎涧fuhu jianTame the Tiger
12雄鹰展翅涧xiongying zhanchi jianEagle Spreads Its Wings
13罗汉降龙涧luohan jiang long jianSaint Tames the Dragon
14左右十字涧zuoyou shizi jianCrossed Mace from Both Sides
15地趟涧de tang jianSweeping the Ground
16左转身腾空翻身涧zuozhuan shen teng kong fan shen jianTurn Left, Jump and Turn Around Mace
17四方舞涧sifangwu jianDancing Flower from Four Directions
18仆步枷涧pu bu jia jianServant Step Chain Mace
19太极双涧收势taiji shuang jian shoushiClosing Form of Double Mace Taiji