Jian - Sword


The straight sword is known as the gentleman’s sidearm. It is much more intricate than the saber, and swims like a clever serpentine dragon. Preferring slices to chops, the straight sword’s arcs are smaller and more internally generated. Every wrist movement has its origination from the lower torso core (dantian). The straight sword has much higher difficulty level than the saber and even though it is a more refined weapon compared to the saber, one must still wield it with martial intent.

List of Movements

First Section
1预备式yu bei shiPreparation Stance
2太极剑初始taiji jian chu shiTaiji-Sword Initial Stance
3朝阳见chao yang jianTurn towards the Sun with the Sword
4现任子路xian ren zi luThe Immortal Showing the way
5青龙出水qing long chu shuiBlue-green Dragon Shoots out of the Water
6呼吸间hu xi jianShielding the Knee with the Sword
7闭门是bi men shiClosing the Gate
8青龙出水qing long chu shuiBlue-green Dragon Shoots out of the Water
9翻身下披肩fan shen xia pi jianTurning Around and Split Downward with the Sword
10青龙转身qing long zhuan shenBlue-green Dragon Turns Around
11谢飞是xie fei shiDiagonal Flying
12展翅点头zhan chi dian touUnfolding the Wings and Nodding with the Head
Second Section
13拨草迅社bo cao xun sheParting the Grass and Searching for the Snake
14金鸡独立jin ji du liThe Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg
15现任西路xian ren zi luThe Immortal Showing the Way
16概览是gai Ian shiProtect and Gate
17古树盘根gu shu pan genThe old Tree Winding Its Roots
18饿虎扑食e hu pu shiThe Hungry Tiger Bounces on his Prey
19青龙摆尾qing long bai weiBlue-green Dragon Wags the Tail
20倒卷肱欧冠dao juan gongStepping Back with Arms Turned in
21页码田间ye ma tian jianThe Wild Horse Jumps Across the Creek
22白蛇吐信bai she tu xinThe White Snake Pushes out the Tongue
23乌龙摆尾wu long bai weiBlack Dragon Wags the Tail
24钟馗张建zhong kui zhang jianZhongkui Holding the Sword
25罗汉像龙luo han xiang longThe Lohan Defeats the Dragon
26海雄翻倍hei xiong fan beiThe Black Bear Turns Around
Third Section
27燕子之哦你yan zi zhuo niThe Swallow Picking in the Mud
28白蛇吐信bai she tu xinThe White Snake Pushes out the Tongue
29谢飞是xie fei shiDiagonal Flying
30英雄都只ying xiong dou zhiEagle and Bear Fighting Each Other
31燕子着你yan zi zhuo niThe Swallow Picking in the Mud
32摘星换都zhai xing huan douGrabbing the Stars and Tossing Them Back
33海底捞月hai di lao yueDrawing the Moon from the Bottom of the Sea
34现任子路xian ren zi luThe Immortal Showing the way
35奉还点头feng huan dian touThe Phoenix Nods His Head
36燕子咒你yan zi zhou niThe Swallow Picking in the Mud
37白蛇吐信bai she tu xinThe White Snake Pushes out the Tongue
Fourth Section
38谢飞是xie fei shiDiagonal Flying
39左拖欠近zuo tuo qian jinCarrying a Thousand Pounds — left
40右拖欠近you tuo qian jinCarrying a Thousand Pounds — right
41燕子着你yan zi zhuo niThe Swallow Picking in the Mud
42白猿献果bai yuan xian guoWhite Ape Passing the Fruit
43落花是luo hua shiThe Falling Blossom
44上下鞋子shang xia xie ziOblique Stabbing Upward and Down
45谢飞是xie fei shiDiagonal Flying
46纳扎坦还na zha tan haiNazha Stretches towards the Sea
47怪蟒翻身guai mang fan shenThe Giant Python Turns Around
48韦陀献杵wei tuo xian chuWeituo Pounding the Mortar
49磨盘见mo pan jianMoving the Sword in Horizontal Circles 'like a Millstone'
50收拾(太极剑宦官)shou shi (taiji jian huan guan)50.Closing Stance (The Taiji- Sword returns to its original position)