Shuang Dao - Double Saber


Double Saber is the dual slashing form. Understanding of the single saber form along with having two hand cognition is needed. On completion will be fierce with the usage of the saber. Zombies beware!

List of Movements

First Section
1双刀其实shuang dao qi shiDouble Sabre Preparation Stance
2全无花招羊刀quan wu hua zhao yang daoFull Turn (Dance of the Blossom), Holding the Sabre of the Morning Sun
3切三刀照样qie san dao zhao yangTriple Cut with the Sabre of the Morning Sun
4一道余部yi dao yu buJump with the Sabre
5言别矜持yan bie jin chiThe Wild Goose Turns her Golden Wings
6上三道shang san daoThree Steps Forward with the Sabre
7故演出滚gu yan chu gunLonesome Wild Goose Leaving the Flock
Second Section
8一道照样yi dao zhao yangThe Sabre of the Morning Sun
9左插画zuo cha huaPut in the Flower —- left
10右插画you cha huaPut in the Flower right
11蝴蝶溪水hu die xi shuiButterfly Absorbing the Water
12一道照样yi dao zhao yangThe Sabre of the Morning Sun
13左插画zuo cha huaPut in the Flower — left
14右插画you cha huaPut in the Flower — right
15伏虎fu huTiger Lying on the Ground
16一道照样yi dao zhao yangThe Sabre of the Morning Sun
17钟馗张建zhong kui zhang jianZhongkui Holding the Sword
Third Section
18古树盘根gu shu pan genThe Old Tree Winding its Roots
19翻身看fan shen kanTurning the Body, Performing a Strike
20一道照样yi dao zhao yangThe Sabre of the Morning Sun
21左交响zuo jiao xiangTurning the Neck — left
22右交响you jiao xiangTurning the Neck — right
23两道照样liang dao zhao yangTwo Sabres of the Morning Sun
24两道左转向liang dao zuo zhuan xiangTurning the Neck with Two Sabres left
25右转向you zhuan xiangTurning the Neck — right
26霸王举鼎ba wang ju dingTyrant Raising the Trident
27罗汉像龙luo han xiang longThe Lohan Defeats the Dragon
Fourth Section
28右偏码多you pian ma duoSabre Cutting the Horse in Two -— right
29左偏码多zuo pian ma duoSabre Cutting the Horse in Two — left
30百事图新bai shi tu xinThe White Snake Pushes out the Tongue
31左扑右仆zuo pu you puCounterstrike Left, Counterstrike Right
32伤不起行shang bu qi xingStep Forward Striking with Seven Stars
33下不垮共Xia bu kua gongStep Backward and Spread Arms
34一倒下时yi dao xia shiSabre Splitting to the Bottom
35收拾shou shiClosing Stance