Gallery - Chenjiagou

Beijing roast duck
Beijing roast duck
Boat standing
Boat standing
Chen museum
Chen museum
Chenjiagou ditch
Chenjiagou ditch
Dinner after training hard
Dinner after training hard
Ditch bridge
Ditch bridge
Farmer's Market
Farmer's Market
Forbidden City
Forbidden City
Forbidden City palace
Forbidden City palace
Forbidden City
Forbidden City
Giant Yin yang
Giant Yin yang
Group photo after performance
Group photo after performance
Group photo with GM Chen
Group photo with GM Chen
in front of the 3 gates
in front of the 3 gates
Master Chen explaining chen history
Master Chen explaining chen history
Noodles after training
Noodles after training
Pagoda pic
Pagoda pic
Paying respect to the ancestors
Paying respect to the ancestors
Paying respect
Paying respect
Posing before the face of the Great Wall
Posing before the face of the Great Wall
Posing in the park
Posing in the park
Push hand face off in the ditch
Push hand face off in the ditch
Push hand face off on a cliff
Push hand face off on a cliff
Push hands on posts
Push hands on posts
Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye
Tea with Master Chen
Tea with Master Chen
Temple of Heaven
Temple of Heaven
Training complete
Training complete
Walking back to the bus
Walking back to the bus
We made it!
We made it!
White crane
White crane